Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Donald Trumps America


Back in November, right after Donald Trump won the election, I learned of a very disturbing situation. A Latina classmate of my daughter was in line at a Dunkin' Donuts to buy coffee when a white and a black guy standing right behind her started to talk out loud about why Trump’s win was necessary. They loudly expressed why the wall was needed and they condescendingly asked the young lady directly if she was illegal, explaining why she needed to be shipped out of the USA! This high school student was in tears all day over this incident.  My daughter, Gina, the school counselor, and many others tried to bring her comfort.

This country is divided and Christians must rise up so that the words of Jesus Christ will not be ignored by black and white people like the two men described above.  Why are we divided?  BECAUSE we are fallen, sinful people.  David Jeremiah, a well-known evangelical leader, reluctantly promoted Trump (I was at the Verizon Center at his Stand Up Tour when he said it) because of the potential supreme court nominee that could help promote traditional marriage and the life of the unborn.  Unfortunately, David Jeremiah is blinded and deceived by Satan (Sorry David – I do think you’re a godly an and you mean well, just like Peter meant well in Matt 16:22) because his hope is in this world or in this country (Matt 16:23) and not ultimately in Jesus Christ.  What we need is not laws that promote Christianity.  What we need are Christians who believe the gospel of Jesus Christ, even if it means we suffer in our own country!  The goal is not to make America Great again nor make the environment favorable to a Christian world-view and value system.  No, instead, the goal is to be faithful to God. Period!  I know I’m not there myself, but I am clear about what the goal should be.

Consider this: If there were more devout disciples of Jesus Christ, and one of them was also in the line with this young woman, they could have protected the young lady and called the two men to repent and develop rightful godly character.  This is what Jesus would have done.  He touched the leaper in front of crowds of people who would surely be shocked (Matt 8:1-4).  He caused the older men to walk away from condemning a woman caught in adultery and then called her to develop godly character (John 8:2-11*).  He healed the child and the servant of foreigners – a Canaanite and Roman Centurion (Matt 15:21-28 and Matt 8:5-13).  As Christians, we must do the same, dying to ourselves and representing the TRUTH regardless of the consequences to our own lives.  We must stand against the devil’s schemes which includes standing against those that preach and teach division, hatred, and godlessness.  We must hate what is evil (adultery, three marriages – two to eye-candy beauty pageant models, prejudice, not giving to Caesar what is Caesar's – i.e. not paying taxes, impatience, arrogance and over-confidence, pride, violence, greed and more) and cling to what is good! (Rom 12:9).

For my brothers and sisters in Christ who voted for Donald Trump, please understand this – you voted for an overtly sinful and ungodly man (Mrs. Clinton isn't as overt, but she too does not stand for the things of God).  Maybe President Trump will change – I pray he does.  But also understand the power of symbolism and image and icons. Like Jesus said, we simply need to be wise and shrewd (Read Luke 16:8 and the entire chapter of Luke 16).  The American presidency, among many, many other things, is highly symbolic.  When Obama spoke as a citizen about affirming gay marriage, the imagery and power of the icon had great impact.  Unless Trump changes, his new role will also have powerful iconic impact, from building walls to pre-judging Muslims!

Don’t you get it?  “What people value highly is detestable in God’s sight.” (Luke 16:15). You see, a specific world-view and value system was completely infused in Mr. Trumps campaign for the presidency from the very beginning–it was not hidden.  Think about what that value system and world-view entailed.  First it was firmly planted in terra-firma, that is – in this world and what you get out of it.  Secondly, it was nationalistic – all about the United States of America and had NOTHING to do with anything or anyone else.  Thirdly, it was based on worldly power (I’m spending my own money, I’m not a puppet to anyone, I make deals….)  It was not based on characteristics such as love, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, selflessness, grace, integrity, honesty, generosity, and the like.  And Trumps value system and worldview was definitely not based on anything eternal.

Maybe you voted for Trump, not thinking about young ladies like my daughter’s classmate.  Maybe you voted against Hillary Clinton because she too is ungodly and was untrustworthy, exemplified by the email scandal among other things.  She at least admitted the private email server was stupid and that she wouldn’t do it again.  I’m not saying her worldview and value system was aligned with the Apostle Paul or Barnabas or Luke the doctor who wrote the gospel of Luke and the book of Acts.  If you were, however, voting for the lesser of two evils, and you voted for Trump, you made a misjudgment.  The icon imagery for Mrs. Clinton is very different.  Stick with your cheating husband – a message of grace and forgiveness (stupidity to some and/or opportunistic to others, but the imagery at least paves a way for forgiveness).    She apologized when caught regarding the email scandal (was it sincere - Only God knows).  Consider the message that women can accomplish great things, including becoming President.  And –at least publically – she accepts all people, regardless of ethnicity, heritage, background, creed.  And of course, her value system includes the two big ungodly practices of abortion and gay marriage (Note that at this time, I currently see these two things in the scriptures as ungodly. To those who differ with me, pleas know that love and support does not equal agreement), but guess what – so does President Trump.  In fact, both of these practices are already here and as Christians we simply do not have to participate.  However, as Christians we do need to love people - agape love.  In fact, even if forced to “cater” to a gay marriage as a baker of wedding cakes or to provide a venue for weddings, I can still say “NO” even if it meant that I must go to jail!  The point is: be a Christian first – a disciple of Jesus Christ, and not an American or Canadian or Chinese or Britt or Nigerian or Trinidadian or Mexican or Inuit or Navaho or Iraqi or Egyptian or Burmese, any other ethnicity or nationality on God’s green earth!  We can celebrate such diversity but as it is written, "But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ" (Phil 3:20).

I hope and pray that Trump will grow into the job and actually develop the character of a man who – at least on the outside – considers and acts on what is sacred in the eyes of many.  This is needed in order to be the head of state for the United States of America; to wield the power of life and death over thousands, especially as commander and Chief of the most powerful military force on the planet; to represent a very diverse population; and to protect the country with the largest economy and 6th largest in GDP per capita. I hope and pray Mr. Trump will wake up and say to himself, “I must rise to this task” and develop the character that is expected and needed for this job.  Otherwise, more young women, families and people will be hurt – and not just from overt prejudice in conversation held on purpose in earshot to hurt feelings, but physically, financially and spiritually hurt because the worldview, value system and iconic power that Donald Trump currently brandishes will encourage, inspire and embolden more overt behavior similar to that of the two men (one black and one white) standing behind an innocent child who happens to be Latina.

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