Sunday, November 27, 2011

Everyone Else is Wrong

I occasionally start following internet links and trails that end up in places I was not even thinking about.  Aside from this method of spending time occasionally getting me into spiritual trouble, I often learn a lot about people, current event, or news usually centered around my interest.  For example, I had not thought much about the person behind the blogger or twitter, but I just learned about Evan Williams and his wife Sara and their little son. They seem like your typical young American couple - albeit, they are worth about $200 million!

Anyway, this process of web surfing often leads me to various Christian web sites as well as anti or non-Christian web sites, articles, blog entries, and video entries in YouTube or Vemio.  I read and sometimes can't help but respond to some of the stuff I find.  The latest was video link to an entry a young man made who seemed angry at the world because of western imperialism in the name of God.  His attack was based on people of faith - primarily people who claim Christianity - who don't know the history of the evils that have been done in the name of God.

He seems to not be aware that such evil cycles continue as they have since the dawn of recorded civilization - power, greed, lust, MY specific sense of injustice, social and political activism against the power elite, the proletarian rise against the bourgeoisie, or the creation of a middle class/petty bourgeoisie that wish they had more and are not content to not be one of the throngs of humanity that live in abject poverty. This young man is angry, and he shows it in a number of video postings complaining about various aspects of the oppression the religious ply upon the masses - conquering nations, enslaving people, and other evils all in the name of God.

I interacted a little via comments only to receive this persons attacks on me!  Not that I mind, but it was interesting to me that his somewhat justified rage against "Christianity" could so easily turn into hypocrisy.  The funny thing is this:  as human beings, we easily point at the evil of others and the injustice of the world without considering that we, too are evil.  Everyone else is wrong, and we are right.

We don't need religion to think this way.  We are all susceptible to viewing others as wrong and ourselves ethically, morally, and spiritually correct.  We see ourselves as having the high moral ground.  I even think this way as I write!  Is it possible that in order to actually function in society and in life, we must THINK and FEEL as if the choices and decisions we make are justified?  I'm sure there is some psychological study to answer that question.  Maybe if we didn't think this way we would be fully aware of our duplicitous and contradictory behavior and thinking and either change or go crazy!

The only faith system that I have seen, however - and I don't claim to know them all - that incorporates this tendency is Christianity.  The faith of Paul, Peter, James and John as followers of Jesus actually requires that the adherent accept and admit to their own brokenness and, if you will, sinfulness.  My Youtube friend and many, many others do this self-justification thing (including my children who fight to be "righteous" regardless of who REALLY left the door open, used my computer without permission, or put the water bottle in the refrigerator empty!)

So, it is easy and natural to say that everyone else is wrong.  Humility is not an easy characteristics to develop.  For example, my YouTube friend said, "...I don't give ignorance a pass, nor do I understand why anyone would or should".  At first glance, this seems reflexive and inclusive so as not to be arrogant, but the statement assumes he always knows more that the one he is not willing to give a pass.  He also justified his anger by saying, "all human emotions are circumstantially justifiable, anyone willing to blanket all anger as negative is only bringing weakness on to others".  It strikes me as a form of relativism that justifies anger and the vengeful attitude he was expressing based on the circumstances.  Thus, if someone hurts my wife, son or daughter then my anger and vengeance would be justified.  Yet, who am I?  I may get a "pass" by the law, depending on the circumstances but who am I to execute ultimate judgement and promote justice?  I am not perfectly just, and none of us are.  Thus, humility must be incorporated regardless of our anger or for that matter, our happiness or success.

On a global scale, and greatly oversimplifying some very complex issues, wars and national violence occur because some believes that everyone else is wrong.  Fights and conflict between people often involve a lack of humility on someones part.  I pray that more and more people can fully embrace a type of humility that doesn't need to express their "righteousness" at the expense of the innocent or the guilty, the wise or the foolish, the intelligent or the ignorant.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sick Daugher, Sick World?

My daughter is sick. She was not feeling well yesterday and I figured it was nothing. I picked her up, took her home and went back to work. My wife would be getting home soon, and my daughter is old enough to stay home alone for an hour or two. However, this morning she is still in pain. So, I’m taking her to the doctor.

I actually need the time away from the office – I could do some work from home, and I will; but I’m not happy about what recently occurred on the job. I am not the best manager in the world – this is for sure. But yesterday, based on a stupid mistake an employee made, he lost his job. I had requested a lesser discipline, but it just didn’t turn out that way. It’s easy for me to say, “there are worse things in life than losing your job”. It’s easy for me to say it because I have never lost my job. The pressure of having a family – wife and children, health care needs (I can call the doctor as I did this morning), and the necessity of a place to live, food to eat, and an occasional time of entertainment or vacation makes life someone pleasant. I have NEVER had the pain and pressure of needing to look for a job in order to take care of my family. Granted, this employee doesn’t have children nor a wife, but I’m sure he has other pressures and responsibilities. Anyway, it hurts but that’s part of life.  And there there are worse things than loosing your job.

I recently read a book entitled, “leading with a limp” by Dan Allender. The author is the president of a Christian graduate school and he shares about the ups and downs of leadership, including the necessity of letting someone go – i.e. firing an employee. Allender explains that it is a lonely role because often no one in the organization understands the role. You are often in between representing the organization and protecting human beings. If you are wired to be more task oriented and define success in terms of a accomplishing organizational goals, the people issues may not bother you as much. Most people and most managers are not cold hearted but depending on your emotional and spiritual DNA, people issues can be quite daunting. I think I do OK, nonetheless, I’m content with being out of the office today.

But as I stated, there are worse thjngs than loosing your job. This world is not actually fair. An old song my father’s group, “The Royal Harmonizers” used to sing called, “This is a Mean World” and the chorus has the line, “this is a mean world, you gotta live in, you got to say here, until you die”. It sounds morbid but the tune is really upbeat ! Anyway, this world is not fair and is not always a happy place. Many suffer at the hands of others. I was looking at some clips of World War II, the work camps, Japanese imperialism, two atomic bombs and the hell they created for survivors, and other clips and articles. Humanity is evil. I am convinced of it.

In fact, consider this quote I stole from a YouTube reply to one of the video clips I saw regarding German death camps (emphasis is mine):


most people would have been willing to act as some Germans did at that time. Much research had been done into the question of why people were willing to commit mass murder and a number of experiments, the most of famous of which is known as the Stanford experiment and was performed by Philip Zimbardo, seem to indicate that most people will turn into monsters if placed in a particular situation. My ‘favourite’ experiment of this type is the Milgram experiment which seems to show that around 60% of people are willing to electrocute to death another person simply when they are given orders to do so. Look up these experiments, they really are fascinating….

So, as I have stated, we are inherently evil. No one likes this fact and we resist it with a passion, but it is none the less true. What’s even more telling is that we understand what evil is, which is why we resist being associated with it. Yet, we are evil. We think bad thoughts, we are naturally selfish, vengeful, and will follow orders regarding doing things that harm others. It is painful to see this when looling in the mirrow.

So, I’m about to take my daughter to the doctor – hopefully it’s nothing serious, but you never know. Life is not fair and there are no guarantees. The key to living is growing older without becoming bitter, cynical, or pessimistic. Illnesses and suffering will definitely occur. The death rate is still the same: one per person! My encouragement is to find that reason, that purpose for living beyond a good meal and a fun day at the beach. I am convinced that the faith presented in the New Testament is true and accurately reflects not only the evils of mankind, but the goodness of an eternal God who we currently cannot see. Love is powerful and it transcends culture, time, and language. Yet, since mankind is inherently evil, the only possibility of real love is through a transcendent God and I see this in the God of the Christian sacred text, the Holy Bible.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

College Students & The Marketplace of Ideas

The fall semester has begun at just about every college and university in the country.  For those that know me, they know I work at The University of Maryland College Park.  I help a young man at Howard move in last week.  I was on the campus of Bowie State University earlier this week as young coeds hustled around campus with carts of college necessities for the dorm.

college1 As an older adult, I hope to encourage and influence these young adults – people in their late teens and early twenties – to grow up and be capable, well-balanced individuals that give to humanity and suck the life out of society!  Of course, being a Christian, I am convinced that living as a Christian is the ideal way to do this – going out of your way to help others, serving humanity in the name of Christ, and encouraging people to seek and follow God themselves.  The larger secular society has no problem with recruiting for a social club, encouraging people to join a fraternity or sorority, or even joining some club that is looking for alien life on other planets.

When key members of such organizations influence others to accept or buy into the ideals imageor philosophies of their respective groups, nobody seems to really care.  They may say, “that’s not for me” and move on.  However, when people of faith influence people and encourage them to accept or buy into the ideals or principles of their respective faith systems, people put up signs and walls that boldly proclaim: NO PROSELYTIZING

Why the double standard?  shouldn’t ideas stand on their own merit and values against other ideas and the d views that encompass a system of belief?  Of course there are a plethora of different belief systems.  The  COEXIST imagebumper sticker is telling and a fair reflection of what SHOULD be a basis for sharing ideas without killing each other.  As a citizen of the United States of America, this idea shouts off of the pages of the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution.  Yet, people are offended when faith is involved with the sharing of ideas.

The University started as a place of study and reflection regarding faith.  the oldest University in the World, The University of Bologna in Bologna, Italy started as a place to study Roman Law – that is, the law of the Papal States, of which Bologna belonged.  What is amazing is that Bologna was as independent as one could be in the 11th century.

Anyway, I hope to be a positive influence on college students wherever I run into them.  I hope to influence for good, not evil, for faith, not godlessness, and for productivity, not consumerism.

I pray your fall semester goes well!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Back in the USA

Last night I arrived home after being away for almost two weeks. Being in Honduras and working with Torch Missions, I was personally involved in a number of service activities, including building a home for the poor. Check out this video: .
One of the many things I have learned is that there are a great deal of really poor people in the world. It's one thing to read about them. It's another thing to meet them.

I have many more pictures. Unfortunately, I was fighting with my camera the entire time and many of my pictures did not come out. Regardless, I am convinced that life is NOT fair and that anyone who really likes it here on earth is not aware of the injustice , inequality, poverty, etc that is caused by greed, selfishness, power, ignorance, and ultimately the sinfulness of mankind.

As Jesus said, "the poor [we] will always have".... At the same time, if you claim to be a Christian, I encourage you to get familiar with the poor in our world stating of course with those in your [our] own country, but be aware of the rest of the world.

In addition, I have also learned that those of us that live in the USA have a lot of stuff, most of which we probably don't need. I know I have a lot of things. I am clear that having things is not bad and there is nothing inherently sinful about having wealth or financial resources. I simply am much more aware after this trip of the many that don't have such access, and the countries and governments that are set up in such a way that they don't or can't help. It really is a mess in this world and I am even more convinced that the message of the Cross of Jesus Christ - foolishness to people who do not believe - is needed and provides the only basis for justice in a world that is inherently unfair and unjust. In the mean time, let's do whatever we can to love and to help others.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Tegucigalpa Poverty

The poverty here in Tegucigalpa Honduras is amazing. What's even more amazing is the kindness of the people I've met - mostly women and children - while serving with Torch missions these last two weeks. This photo is typical (except the white guy - he's from the US and with us on the Torch Mission trip)...

We give out food, medicine, clothes, and most amazingly - houses. (don't get too excited when I say "houses"... see my last blog entry). Of course, if you have any sense of compassion, you would want to do more. In fact, that is exactly what one young man is doing. I'll have to find my notes to give you details and the pictures are still in my camera, but what he is doing is starting a farm where he can hire people from what is disdainfully called "the dump". It is a land-fill but the very poor come here or even MOVE here to dig through the trash as it arrives. It's a terrible concept, but you do what you need to do to survive.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

International Mission

I haven't written about this trip - I really should have planned to update this web site regularly, but I have been very busy. I'm currently in Honduras with an organization called Torch Missions. They provide housing, food, and financial support for the very poor here in Tegucigalpa Honduras.

It is utterly amazing what passes for a house down here in the area we work in. Back in the USA, many of these shelters would barely pass as a tool shed. The little houses we build (about 20 x 20) would make a really good fort or club house for children to play in - but we would still have to put some finishing touches because of the nails that stick out in many, many places. Here's a picture of me taking a break from working on one of these homes.

The people here are wonderful but you better keep an eye on your stuff. If, for example, your backpack (with your drinking water and granola bars) is found on the side of the construction site, it may be "mistaken" as a gift from God and simply removed! It's not stealing from their perspective, it is simply survival! The humbling part is that you or I may do the same thing if we had to live the way these people live.

It's actually rather expensive to live here - food cost more, gas cost more - this is WITH the conversion from Dollars to Lempiras, the currency of the country. Thus, these very poor but beautiful people are even worse off economically than we could imagine.

I have been here with 4 others from the church (Bowie Church of Christ) but working with a team of people of about 120 under the direction of a man named Terry Reeves. Their blog site is called Children of the King.

Anyway, I have so much to say but no time right now. I've been here for 1 week! Today we attended church - in Spanish of course, and I caught a few words and references. However, we are about to leave for dinner in town. Sunday's the staff at the Mission House gets a break - normally we eat there after a HARD days work....

Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer Travel

I have a very good job... I pray that I never forget that and that I never take my job for granted. I receive 5 weeks leave per year, not including federal holidays. This gives me the opportunity to strategically use this leave.

This summer, I will be taking off from work and will be away from the office for over four weeks. = The first of these excursions begins this Sunday where I, along with four others from the church will be going to Honduras on a short term mission (two weeks). We will be serving some small fraction of the people of this central american nation by repairing existing homes, putting on new tin roof or pouring a concrete floor. We may replace wood that has rotted away or build an extension or new room to a house. We may even be a part of building a brand new home. We may get to help in a medical clinic, and although I am NOT in the medical field, we may be able to assist the health care providers in many ways by directing patients, or simply distracting the children of people waiting hours in lines to be seen by a medical professional. We may get to help with school - Honduras has only a 55% literacy rate. We may "take supplies to give students such as pencils, pens, and usually some candy, too. We[may] give schoolbooks, writing tablets, chalk, erasers, markers, crayons, coloring books, and anything else we can give them that would help in the classrooms.".

However, mission work is ultimately tied to encouraging people to find faith in God. William Durant and his wife warned the world regarding civilization that faith in God is essential. Helping people find faith can impact Honduras for eternity. As a Christian with a clear Christian Worldview, I am confident that helping people find faith in Jesus Christ is a major and substantial element in the life of a believer.

Yet, the world will applaud the social, economic, and emotional help and support that is given through the work of many missionary organizations in this world. I pray that more and more people can support such social justice. Through missionaries and faith-based non-government organizations, slave labor is fought against, women forced into or sold into prostitution, alcoholism, abuse of children, and so many atrocities are attacked and often beaten. Yet, if the eternal universe and the reality of a supernatural realm defined in the pages of scripture is true, the it is a tragedy to help people enjoy this life only, and ignore eternal life.

So, although I am a little apprehensive because I have never been to Central America, I am humbled and grateful to God for this opportunity. All who made it possible - I thank you with all of my heart. For those who stumble across this page who know how to pray, please pray for me and small group that is heading down. We thank God for our jobs - a job that allows people to use their time for other endeavors and ultimately, we thank God for the privilege of being used to encourage others to find faith, hope, and love - just as it is written in the scriptures, "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." (1 Cor 13:13)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Budgets & Shutdowns

Because I live near Washington DC, I regularly hear about all the goings on in Congress and with the Whitehouse.  One of my


  favorite radio stations is 90.1 FM. Here in the DC Metro area, that is CSPAN Radio, brought to you by the nations cable stations!  They broadcast many of the hearings of the committees, caucuses, and political pundits that constantly occur.  In addition to the news outlets, if you live in this area then many of your friends work for the federal government.  Thus, when the congress and the President threatened a government shut-down, everyone was aware of it.

It’s amazing that such a thing can happen – and it almost did.  I do sometimes wonder what the rest of the world thinks of our political system and how we run the country.  I actually find it quite amusing that anything gets done at all – I’m glad it works the way it does, exposing the differences and creating philosophical and value-based conflict that occasionally impacts real people.

Yet, as a man of faith, I do wonder if Christians pay too much attention to doing government right as opposed to living the faith right.  I know I personally struggle and it takes effort to live within my own budget, and I often fail, even to the point where I can’t help others financially the way I would like to.  Oh, I do what I can, keeping my house open, having my children's friends constantly invading my kitchen and basement, and trying to get to know their parents and be an example of a godly neighbor. 

Yet, I do wonder because there are so many believers that focus on the operation of our government that we may forget the operation of our hearts.  Living for God means cutting my own budget – cutting out things that are wasteful and not helpful at allowing me to love and give to others.  Ultimately, the faith should be lived out in ways that attract others to the Lord Jesus. 

I hope and pray that more believers will strive to budget  for God, not only their money but their time and ultimately their hearts.  I pray that what gets shut down is our love for the things in this world that will pass away and we open our homes, hearts, and hands to show this world what authentic faith in God really looks like.  I know I’m not fully their myself, but it’s definitely the direction I’m striving to move.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

The End of the World

I obviously don’t take the time to write much.  Here it is April and this is the first entry I have for this year!  According to Harold Camping of Family Radio, it may be close to my last. 

Camping is absolutely convinced that Jesus is returning on May 21, 2011 and the the world will end on October 21, 2011.  Thus, on May 21, according to their own tract “THE END OF THE WORLD IS ALMOST HERE!  HOLY GOD WILL BRING JUDGMENT DAY ON MAY 21, 2011”. 

This is phenomenal.  The fact this this man anEndOfWorldd many of his minions and listeners fully embrace this is absolutely incredible.  If I was certain that Jesus was returning on May 21st, I would probably quit my job and simply go around warning people.  Think about it – if you miss it, you will be lost for all eternity.  As a Christian – which I am – this would be the paramount issue of history, hinged of course, on the core of the Christian faith: the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Now, this is NOT the first time Mr. Camping  - who is wrong about the end of the world and is what we call in the Christian community a false prophet, a heretic, or simply crazy – has done this sort of thing.  Back in 1994 he also predicted the end of the world.  Obviously, he was wrong.  He admits it!  He simply states that he didn’t have all the facts – God had not finished revealing things yet.  Thus, he builds in an escape clause again.  However, this time, there is no excuse.  He is boldly proclaiming that May 21st is it and leading untold thousands to false belief. In the FAQ regarding this date, it states, “THE GREAT AMOUNT OF BIBLICAL SIGNS AND PROOFS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE THAT JUDGMENT DAY WILL BEGIN ON MAY 21st THIS YEAR.” (emphasis mine).


Camping states the following will occur on May 21st – just a little over one month from now:  (1) a great earthquake such as not since men were upon the earth. (2) ALL graves will open and dead Christians will instantly be raised and their bodies will be transformed into glorified bodies. (3) the world will be thrown into horror and chaos beyond description where people will die every day.   No numbers are given – but I supposed that the daily death rate will be millions as opposed to the current daily death rate of  just under 160 thousand world-wide (from “2010 World Population Data Sheet”)

OK, so Camping and his team are committed.  What then will happen on May 22nd?  Will he be removed from office?  Will his people commit mass suicide?  Will he die from a broken heart?  I have no idea why this 89 year old man is doing this.  Is he possessed by Satan to “deceive even the elect” as Jesus said would happen (Matt 24:24)? 

I am convinced that Jesus will NOT come back on may 21st or October 21st or probably not even in 2011 or 2012 so that mankind will NOT get any credit for knowing anything.  Of course, according to the faith, Jesus could come at any time – even as I write.  Thus, what Christians should be doing is trying to live a godly life, loving others, helping others, encouraging others to find faith, follow God, and do what is right, good, wholesome, and just.  And because we do not know when the end will come, we should be striving to live this way all the time.  I should NOT quit my job and go around warning people.  I should be warning people urgently, but in ways that convince them by honest discussion, the example of my life, and ultimately an expressed faith based on the scriptures. 

So, if you have been deceived by Harold Camping or any other false prophet, please hear me – do not listen to them.  Your hope is in Christ, not peoples ability to perfectly understand the scriptures – especially the more extreme, eccentric, mystical, and mysterious elements of the scriptures.  Stick with the honest plain meaning of the text and you will do well.  The honest and plain meaning teaches us to love others, trust God, love our families, work hard on our jobs, be passionately involved in the community of faith (the church), and yes to share our faith with a fallen world.   If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, doing this authentically, based on what we can easily understand from the Bible, is all that is called for by our Lord.