Saturday, July 2, 2011

Back in the USA

Last night I arrived home after being away for almost two weeks. Being in Honduras and working with Torch Missions, I was personally involved in a number of service activities, including building a home for the poor. Check out this video: .
One of the many things I have learned is that there are a great deal of really poor people in the world. It's one thing to read about them. It's another thing to meet them.

I have many more pictures. Unfortunately, I was fighting with my camera the entire time and many of my pictures did not come out. Regardless, I am convinced that life is NOT fair and that anyone who really likes it here on earth is not aware of the injustice , inequality, poverty, etc that is caused by greed, selfishness, power, ignorance, and ultimately the sinfulness of mankind.

As Jesus said, "the poor [we] will always have".... At the same time, if you claim to be a Christian, I encourage you to get familiar with the poor in our world stating of course with those in your [our] own country, but be aware of the rest of the world.

In addition, I have also learned that those of us that live in the USA have a lot of stuff, most of which we probably don't need. I know I have a lot of things. I am clear that having things is not bad and there is nothing inherently sinful about having wealth or financial resources. I simply am much more aware after this trip of the many that don't have such access, and the countries and governments that are set up in such a way that they don't or can't help. It really is a mess in this world and I am even more convinced that the message of the Cross of Jesus Christ - foolishness to people who do not believe - is needed and provides the only basis for justice in a world that is inherently unfair and unjust. In the mean time, let's do whatever we can to love and to help others.