Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow and Reason

Today we begin to dig out for the second time! The DC Metro area has been hit with two snow storms in less than one week - both dumping lots of snow for a combined total of almost 4 feet. The winter of 2010 will definitely be remembered in this region.

The wonder and beauty is only dampened by the back-breaking digging and the complexities of getting to and from work... for those that must work during this time. Schools, churches, businesses, and local governments have all shut down because the roads can be hazardous. My little car (see photo) can't even get out to the main roads.

People have all kinds of silly reactions to the snow. Some people will drive irresponsibly - I helped a young lady who got stuck in the community who had BALD TIRES! What was she thinking? Many people will show their altruistic side - helping their fellow snowbound friends and neighbors. This is a great opportunity for the young and strong to make a few dollars digging out others.

Yet, some people inevitably will get spiritual or philosophical about the snow. Some will blame global warming. Others will say this is evidence that there is no such thing as global warming. Some will analyze the short-term impact on the local economy due to the great cost of snow removal, missed days at work, damaged power lines and caved in roofs. As a Christian, I would rather just accept the snow and deal with all the realities that accompany it. The rich and poor, weak and powerful, healthy and ill are all effected by the storm, As the scripture says, "time and chance happen to them all" (Eccl 9:11).

So, have a positive attitude - for those with faith in God, let your faith keep you focused on doing good, helping others, and encouraging others on their faith journey as you dig out of the snow. If you don't believe in God, let the wonder and the beauty of the snow open your heart and mind to the possibility that there is more to life and to death than we we see and experience!