Friday, February 23, 2007

Starting From The Beginning

I don't have time to create a personal web-site, so I guess blogging is the next best thing. Since I am just starting out, I would like to introduce myself to anyone who visits - not the normal name, rank and serial number stuff, but more on a philosophical level - who I am and what you are likely to find.

First and foremost, I am a man of faith - there will be more about that in the days that come, but for now, you should understand that my faith requires that I use both my mind and my heart. It is a rational faith, and to some degree a journey - seeking both reality and truth. As Indiana Jones exposes, "Archaeology is the search for facts... not truth. If it's truth you're looking for, Dr. Tyree's philosophy class is right down the hall." I'm not an archaeologist, but when it come to faith, my searching must include facts. However, because faith involves the unseen and to some degree, the unprovable, it is "philosophical" and thus, involves the search for truth.

For me, this is the beginning. Most people don't think deeply about life - we seek to earn a living, take care of our daily responsibilities, have some fun, and all-in-all, go to bed each night feeling OK and safe. When people go deeper than these things, really good things happen, really bad things happen, conflict and controversy happen, and emotions, passions, and true identity are exposed. We begin to see what people are made of, and where their "lines in the sand" are at a particular moment in time. To be sure, we all will change over time. Today I believe this is important, and tomorrow, that may change. But for now, for the moment, we all have a position. The questions I have are... Are you willing to expose your true position to others in real dialog? Are you going to remain isolated from humanity? Are you willing to test your world view? Are you even aware that you have a world view, a framework that includes beliefs, perceptions of reality, and facts that make up who you are?

Enough for now... I'm late as always in dealing with the trappings of life.