Thursday, April 14, 2011

Budgets & Shutdowns

Because I live near Washington DC, I regularly hear about all the goings on in Congress and with the Whitehouse.  One of my


  favorite radio stations is 90.1 FM. Here in the DC Metro area, that is CSPAN Radio, brought to you by the nations cable stations!  They broadcast many of the hearings of the committees, caucuses, and political pundits that constantly occur.  In addition to the news outlets, if you live in this area then many of your friends work for the federal government.  Thus, when the congress and the President threatened a government shut-down, everyone was aware of it.

It’s amazing that such a thing can happen – and it almost did.  I do sometimes wonder what the rest of the world thinks of our political system and how we run the country.  I actually find it quite amusing that anything gets done at all – I’m glad it works the way it does, exposing the differences and creating philosophical and value-based conflict that occasionally impacts real people.

Yet, as a man of faith, I do wonder if Christians pay too much attention to doing government right as opposed to living the faith right.  I know I personally struggle and it takes effort to live within my own budget, and I often fail, even to the point where I can’t help others financially the way I would like to.  Oh, I do what I can, keeping my house open, having my children's friends constantly invading my kitchen and basement, and trying to get to know their parents and be an example of a godly neighbor. 

Yet, I do wonder because there are so many believers that focus on the operation of our government that we may forget the operation of our hearts.  Living for God means cutting my own budget – cutting out things that are wasteful and not helpful at allowing me to love and give to others.  Ultimately, the faith should be lived out in ways that attract others to the Lord Jesus. 

I hope and pray that more believers will strive to budget  for God, not only their money but their time and ultimately their hearts.  I pray that what gets shut down is our love for the things in this world that will pass away and we open our homes, hearts, and hands to show this world what authentic faith in God really looks like.  I know I’m not fully their myself, but it’s definitely the direction I’m striving to move.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

The End of the World

I obviously don’t take the time to write much.  Here it is April and this is the first entry I have for this year!  According to Harold Camping of Family Radio, it may be close to my last. 

Camping is absolutely convinced that Jesus is returning on May 21, 2011 and the the world will end on October 21, 2011.  Thus, on May 21, according to their own tract “THE END OF THE WORLD IS ALMOST HERE!  HOLY GOD WILL BRING JUDGMENT DAY ON MAY 21, 2011”. 

This is phenomenal.  The fact this this man anEndOfWorldd many of his minions and listeners fully embrace this is absolutely incredible.  If I was certain that Jesus was returning on May 21st, I would probably quit my job and simply go around warning people.  Think about it – if you miss it, you will be lost for all eternity.  As a Christian – which I am – this would be the paramount issue of history, hinged of course, on the core of the Christian faith: the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Now, this is NOT the first time Mr. Camping  - who is wrong about the end of the world and is what we call in the Christian community a false prophet, a heretic, or simply crazy – has done this sort of thing.  Back in 1994 he also predicted the end of the world.  Obviously, he was wrong.  He admits it!  He simply states that he didn’t have all the facts – God had not finished revealing things yet.  Thus, he builds in an escape clause again.  However, this time, there is no excuse.  He is boldly proclaiming that May 21st is it and leading untold thousands to false belief. In the FAQ regarding this date, it states, “THE GREAT AMOUNT OF BIBLICAL SIGNS AND PROOFS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE THAT JUDGMENT DAY WILL BEGIN ON MAY 21st THIS YEAR.” (emphasis mine).


Camping states the following will occur on May 21st – just a little over one month from now:  (1) a great earthquake such as not since men were upon the earth. (2) ALL graves will open and dead Christians will instantly be raised and their bodies will be transformed into glorified bodies. (3) the world will be thrown into horror and chaos beyond description where people will die every day.   No numbers are given – but I supposed that the daily death rate will be millions as opposed to the current daily death rate of  just under 160 thousand world-wide (from “2010 World Population Data Sheet”)

OK, so Camping and his team are committed.  What then will happen on May 22nd?  Will he be removed from office?  Will his people commit mass suicide?  Will he die from a broken heart?  I have no idea why this 89 year old man is doing this.  Is he possessed by Satan to “deceive even the elect” as Jesus said would happen (Matt 24:24)? 

I am convinced that Jesus will NOT come back on may 21st or October 21st or probably not even in 2011 or 2012 so that mankind will NOT get any credit for knowing anything.  Of course, according to the faith, Jesus could come at any time – even as I write.  Thus, what Christians should be doing is trying to live a godly life, loving others, helping others, encouraging others to find faith, follow God, and do what is right, good, wholesome, and just.  And because we do not know when the end will come, we should be striving to live this way all the time.  I should NOT quit my job and go around warning people.  I should be warning people urgently, but in ways that convince them by honest discussion, the example of my life, and ultimately an expressed faith based on the scriptures. 

So, if you have been deceived by Harold Camping or any other false prophet, please hear me – do not listen to them.  Your hope is in Christ, not peoples ability to perfectly understand the scriptures – especially the more extreme, eccentric, mystical, and mysterious elements of the scriptures.  Stick with the honest plain meaning of the text and you will do well.  The honest and plain meaning teaches us to love others, trust God, love our families, work hard on our jobs, be passionately involved in the community of faith (the church), and yes to share our faith with a fallen world.   If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, doing this authentically, based on what we can easily understand from the Bible, is all that is called for by our Lord.